Friday, December 4, 2020

Add arrays to a structure

Num2cell is a useful function. The important part is that it could convert an array (m x n) to scalar array (y x 1) so you could add this to a structure. aa=table2struct(readtable((fullfile(filePath0,'curve','params',file0(1).name)))); %This is the structure you want to add new values to file1=dir(fullfile(filePath0,'ROI_dark*.mat')); dark_files=load(fullfile(filePath0,file1(1).name),'Intensity','dff0'); %Then you got two variables, both are two dimensional array. To add them, you have to first convert them into cell: cc=num2cell(dark_files.Intensity,1); %Then add them: [aa.dark_Intensity]=cc{:};