Saturday, November 8, 2008

the structure of striatum

The basal ganglia of mammals are made up of several nuclei forming large processing circuits in the forebrain and controlled by mesencephalic dopamine (DA) neurons [1]. The dorsal nigrostriatal DA pathway modulates the cortico–striato–thalamic loop [2] involved in extrapyramidal motor and cognitive functions. The ventral mesolimbic DA pathway supports a variety of behavioural functions related to motivation and reward [3]. The functional diversity of the basal ganglia is mirrored by their involvement in pathological conditions as diverse as Parkinson disease, Huntington chorea, schizophrenic syndromes, and drug addiction. The main inputs of the striatum are the excitatory glutamatergic projections from pyramidal neurons of the cortex [4,5]. The GABAergic medium-sized spiny neurons, which comprise more than 95% of the striatal neurons, give rise to two kinds of projections. A direct “stimulatory” pathway projects to the output structures, internal globus pallidus, and substantia nigra pars reticulata, while an indirect, “depressant” pathway projects to the same nuclei via the external globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus [6]. The indirect pathway forms an incoherent feedforward loop (that is in the same direction as the direct pathway but with opposite effect), that modulates the effect of the direct pathway. The balance between those two pathways is crucial for the function of basal ganglia. DA released in striatum potentiates the function of the direct pathway, through D1 receptors, and acts as a psychostimulant (enhancing locomotion and elevating mood). In addition, DA inhibits the function of the indirect pathway through D2 receptors. The disappearance of this control contributes to the clinical symptoms of Parkinson disease.

Friday, September 26, 2008

To find out the function of corpus callosom

In Mechanics of the mind, by Collin Blakemore, I know things about the corpus callosom. there must be a way to pinpoint its function in experimental animals.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Main input to hippocampus--Mystery about entorhinal cortex

Entorhinor cortex is a mysterious place for me.Since hippocamupus has a critical role in turning shorterm memory to long term ones, for this to happen, entorhinal cortex has to receive inputs from cortex from other parts responsible for sense processing and storage.

physiology of the medulla oblongata

medulla oblongata is a place that requires much further study for its significant role in modulating the functions of the gastroenterological system and cardiac vascular system. A good way would be to combine electrophysiology and neuroanatomical methods

Thursday, July 3, 2008

changes in the depth of breath during depression

there must be some changes in the physical breath when people are undergoing depression. I will find a way to measure that.
Maybe we can use the carbone fiber electrode to monitor the change in the level of neurotrasmitter, such as dopamine, NE, adrenaline, etc

Thursday, June 26, 2008

induction of lewy body by patient tissues

Lewy bodies in grafted neuronsin subjects with Parkinson’sdisease suggest host-to-graftdisease propagation.nat med, 2008
it has been reported that fetal neurons injected into PD patient striatum tissues can induce the formation of lewy body. So it is tempting to observe whether PD patient tissues injected into mice or rats can induce similar pathology.

Critical period for large hornet

is there any possibility that the development of the eye of hornet undergo a critical period during which visual deprivation would impair the vision

hippocampal neuronal circuit

from a to b, b to c, no reciprocal interaction?

Sunday, May 4, 2008


翘楚; 心照;治平;光武;兴汉;中正安舒
光先, 光五常